Notice of Extraordinary General Meeting

Members are advised that an Extraordinary General Meeting of the Members of the Old Collegians Rugby Union Football Club Inc. will be held at its Clubrooms, Laurel Avenue, Linden Park, on Tuesday the Twenty Ninth day of September at 6.15pm.

The purpose of the meeting is to pass, if thought fit, as a Special Resolution, the following resolution:

“That the Constitution of the Old Collegians Rugby Union Football Club Inc. be amended in accordance with the amendments set out in Annexure A attached to this notice of meeting.”

The purpose of the resolution is to make changes to the Constitution of the Club that have the effect

• Recognising the current successful operations of the Management Committee and the need to formalise them in the Rules for the future.

• Recognising the important and valuable role the Juniors and their parents play in the conduct and welfare of the Club by creating appropriate voting rights that align junior membership with those rights of senior Members.

• Making some administrative changes that bring the Constitution more relevant to modern business practices and make it compliant with the Associations Incorporation Act, 1985.

Yours sincerely,
Jo Rogers
Secretary OCRUFC