Happy New Year to all;
No apologies for the long post but as you would expect the Old Collegians RUFC Committee has been hard at work over the close season and the information below highlights some key events and dates and also proudly announce our confirmed our Grade Coaching and Management teams for 2020;
Key Events and Dates;
Thursday 9th January 2020 – from 1800hrs
Pre-Pre Season gets underway at Tregenza Oval for our Senior & Womens Teams and U18s – Tim Atkins, our newly appointed Strength, Fitness and Conditioning Coach will be working with our Senior Group throughout the Season to ensure that they in tip – top condition for the 2020 Season.
Monday 13th January 2020 – from 1800hrs
Free, Family and Friendly Touch starts again – see you there at Tregenza Oval
Wednesday 22nd January 2020 – from 1800hrs
Junior OCRUFC commences at Tregenza Oval – the programme will run for 4 weeks and covers all Junior Age groups from JPP to U16s
Wednesday 22nd January 2020 – from 1800hrs
Junior Come and Try Evening at Tregenza Oval
Tuesday 4th February 2020 – 1830hrs
Coaches Meeting at Tregenza Oval
Tuesday 4th February 2020 – from 1830hrs
Senior & Womens – Pre-Season commences at Tregenza Oval
Tuesday 4th February 2020 from 1830hrs
Senior & Womens – Come and Try evening at Tregenza Oval
Wednesday 19th February 2020 – from 1800hrs
Junior Come and Try Evening at Trengenza Oval
Monday 24th February 202 – from 1800hrs
Junior Pre-Season commences – U12s to U16s Mondays and Wednesday – JPP Wednesdays only all at Tregenza Oval.
Saturday 21st March 2020 – Trial Matches vs Brighton @ Brighton
Saturday 4th April 2020
Round One – 2020 Season
Senior, Womens and U18s Coaching Teams
First GradePeet Arnold (HC)
Rob Smedley (AC)
Tom Secker (MGR)
Second Grade
James Denley (HC)
Vacant (AC)
Doug Mein (MGR)
Third Grade
Graham Raymond and Jon Collins
Dave Phillips (MGR)
Under 18’s
David Nolan, Stuart Robertson and Tom Nutt
Great to see Dave Nolan, our 2016 Premiership Season Head Coach, Stuart Roberson, our Premier Reserve 2019 Premiership Winning Captain and Tom Nutt our seasoned first grade player form the coaching group for this most important age grade
Vacant (MGR)
Women’s Team
Jhuan Roux (HC)
Vacant (AC)
Kim Pienaar (MGR)
Junior Coaching Teams
Will Denny (HC)
Vacant (AC)
Vacant (MGR)
Joel Pepper & Phoebe Linder-Patton (C)
Jaye Gordon (MGR)
James Denley – (HC)
Ben Purcell / Eugene Twiggee / Tony Herve
Vacant (MGR)
Cameron McDonald (HC)
Jonny Pretorius (AC)
Vacant (MGR)
Matt Bell (HC)
Craig Barlow / Steven Behrens / Juan Pablo Aguiar (AC)
Corne Arnold / Rob Costanzo (MGR)
Stephen Goddard (HC)
Jannie De Klerk (AC)
Russel Gordon / Corne Arnold (MGR)
As you can see we do have a few vacant positions to fill – so if you are interested in assisting please reach out to Rob Costanzo or Danny McCartan.

It’s going to be a bumper year for the OCRUFC so please get on board 🙂